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Breathe In Love




"Begin the day with love, spend the day with love, fill the day with love, and end the day with love, that is the way to God." Swami Bua


Ridhima has been an athlete since childhood, from rhythmic gymnastics to soccer, basketball and softball, to currently learning Kung Fu she loves being physically active and is grateful for how these outlets have shaped her being. She began showing interest in yoga when she was in middle school. However, it wasn't until college that she took her first class and began reading, practicing, and incorporating Buddhist and Yogic philosophy into her life. One summer, she had the great fortune of learning from Swami Bua, a hatha yoga teacher from India who was around 118 at the time. Though it was only a short while, his traditional style of teaching greatly influenced her understanding and practice of yoga. Over the years her meditation, yoga, and philosophical understanding has grown and her journey as a yogi and teacher has begun. She teaches in honor of the light of understanding she gained from her experience with Swami Bua and how greatly yoga and meditation have influenced her life. Ridhima is grateful to have done her 200 hour training with Pranavah Yoga Studio, a wonderful studio that guides budding yogis to find their own unique style of teaching while instilling a respect for its cultural and spiritual roots.  

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