(Photography & More)
Hold Gratitude
True Soul Expression
A Healing Arts Workshop
Explore, heal, and express your true self through the power of multi. media art forms and meditation.
Through the arts we connect, express, and release our conscious and unconscious emotions and experiences. In doing so, we acknowledge and find ways to honor our suffering in order to connect and fully be our true selves. By exploring different creative mediums this workshop gives people the opportunity to experience and connect to the power of the arts as a form of self healing, understanding, and expression.
With meditation techniques, we practice mindfulness and letting go of thoughts in order to be in tune with ourselves and the present moment, to find harmony, and inner peace amongst our surroundings and situations. We do this by focusing on our breath and by keeping our hearts open to channel love, gratitude, and compassion into each moment. Together these tools give us a way to fully express our being, connect more deeply with the world around us, and to have the power to heal, enlighten, be free, and shine love through the challenges we face in our lives.
Workshops include guest artists from different cultures and mediums to focus on growing cultural appreciation, understanding, and to explore creative expression. Activities include art projects, musical expression and song writing, poetry, dance, photography, theatre, and more. Workshops are crafted based on the interests of the group, but still allow people to experience different forms of expression. The finale would be a celebration of each other and ourselves with the unveiling of the art created in a show.